Friday, January 13, 2012

Cleanliness Is Next to....Crafty-ness. Week 2

My inspiration for week 2 is the saying "A place for everything and everything in it's place".  In order to be as motivated and productive as I could be, something had to be done about the mess in my craft room!  It was in need of some major cleaning and organizing .  Embarrassing as it is, I've included some "before" photos.

I definitely had my work cut out for me! 

With my trusty furry friend and supervisor by my side, I started the whole process by getting rid of anything that was trash or scraps I couldn't use, then I started going through each box of stuff one by one.  This seemed daunting to me but I reminded myself it is all about the baby steps.  I created piles of like items ( paper, jewelry supplies, glitter and glue, etc. ) so I could see what I had and what kind of container I needed to store them in.  This was really hard since my mind tends to wander a bit and I kept wanting to work with the stuff as I saw it!  Next, I grabbed the various cute and colorful boxes from IKEA that I had (I should buy stock in them!) and started putting things away.  As I filled up a box I put it on one of the shelves we installed in the closet.   The whole time I was doing this I started feeling less and less overwhelmed and more excited about how cool it was going to be to have an awesome craft studio!   I used my label maker to mark every box and kind of got carried away with it, they are pretty fun.  I can think of a million things that could use a label and will be needing more tape soon!  Once everything was put away, I dusted and vacuumed and moved the tables around to a more functional position.  I have a desk to sit at and work and have the supplies I use most within arms reach.  I also have a tall table to stand at so I don't have to hunch over if I'm doing a lot of cutting. Every looks so great!

I feel so thrilled at this accomplishment and this room is already becoming my favorite one in the house!  I still plan to decorate the walls but for now my goal of clean and organized has been met.  Here are a few more pictures that I am not embarrassed to share! 

Thanks for sharing my week with me and I will be back next week with a fun project to show you!

1 comment:

  1. Great job Swee! To bad Rupert pooped out at the end. You're gaining momentum!
