Saturday, January 21, 2012

Flower Power - Week 3

Spring is in the air!  Not really, but we have been having a very warm winter so it feels like it.  I guess it has me inspired to make something flowery for this week's project.  I have a packet of fabric flower pieces that are perfect to turn into some fun accessories.  I grabbed those as well as several other supplies that caught my eye. 
I arranged the flower pieces into sets of layered flowers

I punched a hole into the center of each piece with a mini eyelet hole puncher

For this set I added a some pieces of a bracelet that I took apart, inserted a large brad with a black center and added a rhinestone to the dangling piece

For the second set, I held it all together with a pink eyelet 

I found a pink rose button and a green leaf button and added some gold guilder's paste to make them look more vintage

I then glued them to the center of the flower using Aleene's tacky glue

Next I gathered velcro, a hair clip, a headband, and some pin backs

So that I could wear each of these in different ways, I added pin backs and velcro to the backs of the flowers and then added the other side of the velcro to the headband and the clip

Now I have some adorable flowers to wear in my hair, on a top, or pinned to the front of a purse!

How fun!

If your wondering about the third set of flowers, I am using that in a future weeks project.  Stay tuned!
Now it's off to Benihana to celebrate my b-day, I think Wyatt will get a big kick out of it!
Thanks for reading!

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