Friday, January 6, 2012

I Can Do This....right? Week 1

It's 2012.  The year I finally get my butt in gear.  Unlike other years where I've said this, I mean it.  Unlike other years where I've said that, I really mean it!  I've always been an "all or nothing" thinker and since I err on the side of procrastination and a serious case of ADD, it usually ends up "nothing".   I adore being creative, it's in my soul.  Sewing, quilting, and making jewelry are a few of my passions, but, due to the afore mentioned thought process I tend to dream big and then fizzle out.  Kinda like a 4th of July firecracker.  I get excited about an idea, get the materials bought and then they sit on my table, then another brilliant idea comes to me and the process repeats.  I'm tired of looking at it all in it's sad, raw state, waiting for me to pay it some well deserved attention.  We'll guess what?  This blog is going to help me tackle old projects and plan and execute new baby steps.  Each week I will pick a project that has to be started and finished it by the end of the week.  And just how will this blog help, you might ask?  I am going to have to blog about the process and take pictures for proof and share them with anyone who is interested.  The fact that I've told everyone I'm doing this will keep me accountable!  So, here's to 52 projects in 52 weeks, a clean craft room, and a nourished soul!  I hope you'll join me on my journey and share your thoughts with me!  Happy New year!

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